öV Plus Abfahrtsanzeige

Mobility & Parking


Checking the next departures? The departure display shows you exactly when and where the next public transport connection departs from the selected stop.

Feature description

The departure display contains information on the next connections from a favourite stop. Simply select a desired departure stop or several and the display shows the next departure options. For a residential neighbourhood or property, the integration of the public transport Plus departure display into the Allthings app makes it easy and straightforward to provide up-to-the-minute information on the nearest stops and all departures. 

Technical feature elements

Iframe microapp

Iframe Microapp enables Allthings App to embed other solutions within a User Interface. The user will then have a seamless experience while using the solutions. The content is completely controlled by the solution and only displayed by the Interface.

Additional information

User flow rating

Level 1 of 3

Available countries

  • Switzerland

Technical feature elements

  • Iframe microapp

Developed for

  • Operation tenants

Solution provider

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