

Building technology & Energy

Monitor and compare energy usage in real-time across different apartment units with SPIE’s integration for Allthings, leveraging cumulative meter data for electricity, heating, and water.

Feature description

The SPIE integration with Allthings enables the real-time monitoring and comparison of energy consumption across various units within a property. By connecting to SPIE’s energy monitoring systems via HTTP and JSON, the integration collects cumulative monthly data from individual meters, tracking electricity (kWh), heating (kWh), and water usage (m³). This data is visualized in a dashboard, allowing users to view last month’s consumption, compare it with the previous 12 months, and see how their consumption stacks up against other units of the same type. The dashboard provides insights without including shared building energy consumption, ensuring tenant-specific data privacy.

Technical feature elements

Allthings data structure

This solution uses Allthings data structure, meaning the user, apartment, building and project data will be based on Allthings standard data structure.

Allthings role and permissions

Allthings Roles and Permissions feature enables the Solution to inherit roles and permissions directly from Allthings. This means roles and their permissions such as Facility Manager, Property Manager, Asset Manager etc. will be used directly from Allthings.

Integrated microapp

Integrated Microapp feature provides a customized microapp for the solution. This means a smoothless integration not only on the backend, but also on the frontend.

SSO for tenants

Single Sign-on (SSO) means that Allthings users can use their Allthings accounts for logging in to the solution accounts. This method enables the authentication of tenants without creating different credentials for different solutions. However, the technology of SSO enables that original credentials are never shared with the solution provider.

Additional information

User flow rating

Level 3 of 3

Available countries

  • Switzerland

Technical feature elements

  • Allthings data structure
  • Allthings role and permissions
  • Integrated microapp
  • SSO for tenants

Developed for

  • Operation tenants

Solution provider

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