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Stebler Paketfachanlage

Logistics & Comfort


Shopping online offers many advantages. It's even more practical if you don't have to pick up the parcel in person and the delivery is stored in a secure parcel locker until you collect it.

Feature description

Technical feature elements

Allthings data structure

This solution uses Allthings data structure, meaning the user, apartment, building and project data will be based on Allthings standard data structure.

Integrated microapp

Integrated Microapp feature provides a customized microapp for the solution. This means a smoothless integration not only on the backend, but also on the frontend.

Additional information

User flow rating

Level 2 of 3

Available countries

Available for all countries

Technical feature elements

  • Allthings data structure
  • Integrated microapp

Developed for

  • Operation asset management
  • Operation tenants
  • Operation property management

Required solutions

  • Mieterapp und Mieterkommunikation

Solution provider

© 2023 Allthings Technologies AG
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